For order cancellation, you need to message us within 24 hours. In the event that your order is already processed, there will be a 15% cancellation fee. Please make sure all details are correct before placing order.


Please allow at least 3-7 business days for the tracking number to appear on tracking website.

Track My Order Here


Send us an email within 24 hours for address correction so we can make the adjustments on our end ASAP. For shipped order, we can no longer update them as it is already on its way. We are not responsible for re-send for any incomplete or worng address information given by customer.


Send us an Email within 24 hours and include your order number on the subject email.


In case of wrong item shipped to you, simply send us a photo of product and Send us an Email together with your order number.





Screenshot the error and send your concern via Email so we can help you. Clear caching also helps to checkout properly.


We accept major credit cards such as VISA, Master and Amex. We also accept Western Union and International bank transfer.





Yes. Please check this list of countries we ship as reference.


Please allow at least 3-7 business days for the tracking number to appear on tracking website https://www.17track.net/en


Yes, Once the product is shipped, we provide after ship tracking. What this means is you will receive a notification each time the parcel is moved from one point to another, such as from being sent out, to arrival at terminal, to final delivery - this way you will know exactly where your parcel is at any given point.



Is your concern not found here? Please feel free to send us an email to service@arrowzoom.com or send us a WhatsApp message here (852) 6438-4571